Monday, March 10, 2014

Armstrong number c program

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int number, sum = 0, temp, remainder;
   printf("Enter an integer\n");
   temp = number;
   while( temp != 0 )
      remainder = temp%10;
      sum = sum + remainder*remainder*remainder;
      temp = temp/10;
   if ( number == sum )
      printf("Entered number is an armstrong number.\n");
      printf("Entered number is not an armstrong number.\n");
   return 0;

Monday, April 1, 2013

The double_triple function: two results by reference

A function that takes in an integer number and "returns" both twice the number and three times the number.

/* Problem: Write a function that takes in an integer number and
"returns" both twice the number and three times the number. */

#include <stdio.h>

/* double_triple function begins */
double_triple (int x, int *d)
 int t;
 *d=2*x; /* double "returned" via pointer */
 return (t); /* triple returned the standard way */
/* double_triple function ends */

/* main program begins */

 int a,twice,thrice;
 thrice = double_triple (a, &twice);
 printf("%d is two times %d.\n",twice,a);
 printf("%d is three times %d.\n",thrice,a);

/* main program ends */

Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
20 is two times 10.
30 is three times 10.
Philip R. Brown

Hawaii Lawyer - Honolulu Attorney

Proudly Serving Honolulu, Maui, Kauai and the Big Island

Mr. Brown is AV Rated. The AV Peer Review Rating "shows that a lawyer has reached the height of professional excellence. He or she has usually practiced law for many years, and is recognized for the highest levels of skill and integrity.

Prime numbers (by reference)

Philip R. Brown

A function that determines if a number is prime or not. The function returs 1 if prime, 0 if not. In addition, the function will "return" the value of one of the divisors.

/* Problem: Write a function that determines if a number 
is prime or not. The function must return 1 if prime, 0 if not. 
In addition, the function must "return" the value of one 
of the divisors. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* function returns true if n is even.  */ 
/* it returns false if n is odd         */
even (int n)
 return (!(n%2));

/* function returns true if n is prime, 
the pointer variable references the divisor value */
prime2 (int n, int *divisor)
 int i, is_prime;
 /* looking for a divisor. if found, it 
  is not a prime number */
 *divisor = 0;

 /* eliminating even numbers except 2 */
 if (even (n))
  if (n==2)
  if (n==1)
   *divisor=0; /* 1 is a prime number */
   /* trying to divide number by 3,5,7,... */
   /* to find a divisor until sqrt(n)      */
   for (i=3; i<=sqrt(n); i=i+2)
    if (!(n%i))
 is_prime = *divisor;

 /* if there is a divisor then NOT prime */

 return (!is_prime);

main (void)
int x, div;

   printf ("Enter a positive integer number: ");
   scanf ("%d", &x);

   /*  testing for prime and printing the report */
   if (prime2 (x, &div))
      printf ("%d is a prime number.\n", x);
      printf ("%d not prime number. Divisible by %d.\n", x, div);

return (0);

Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
Enter a positive integer number: 77
77 not prime number. Divisible by 7.

The bigger2 function: using pointer arguments

This function returns nothing but will change the value of the variable in the calling function's memory area.

/* Problem: Write a void function that "returns" the largest
value of two real numbers. */

/* this function returns nothing but will
change the value of the variable in the calling
function's memory area */

bigger2 (double n1, double n2, double *result)

 if (n1>n2)
  *result = n1;
  *result = n2;

/* *result in bigger2 uses the same 
memory cell as result in main */

main (void)
 double x, y, result;

 printf ("Enter a real number: ");
 scanf ("%lf", &x);

 printf ("Enter a real number: ");
 scanf ("%lf", &y);

 /* calling the function (3 arguments) */
 /* &result is the address where variable result is stored */
 bigger2 (x, y, &result);

 /* printing the report */
 printf ("The largest number is %f.\n", result); 

 return (0);

Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
Enter a real number: 12.4
Enter a real number: 67.3
The largest number is 67.300000.

A function with two results

This program shows a function that generates two results. One result is returned, the other accessed from the main via an address

/* Problem: This program shows a function that generates two results. 
One result is returned (-), the other accessed from the main via an address (+). */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

quadratic (int a, int b, int c, double* xplus)
 double xminus;

 xminus  = (-b - sqrt (b * b - 4 * a * c))/ (2 * a);
 *xplus  = (-b + sqrt (b * b - 4 * a * c))/ (2 * a);
 return (xminus);

main (void)
 int a = 10, b = 40, c = 30;
 double xplus, xminus;

 /* calling the function. the address of xplus is sent as an argument */
 xminus = quadratic (a, b, c, &xplus);
 printf ("Using +: %lf\n", xplus);
 printf ("Using -: %lf\n", xminus);

 return (0);

Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
Using +: -1.000000
Using -: -3.000000

A list of prime numbers

A program displaying the list of all prime numbers between 1 and 1000. It uses the previous function

/* Problem: Write a program that prints out all the
prime numbers between 1 and 1000. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* function returns true if n is even.  */ 
/* it returns false if n is odd         */
even (int n)
 return (!(n%2));

/* function returns true if n is prime */
prime3 (int n)
 int divisor, i;
 /* looking for a divisor. if found, it 
  is not a prime number */

 divisor = 0;

 /* eliminating even numbers except 2 */
 if (even (n))
  if (n==2)
  if (n==1)
   divisor=0; /* 1 is a prime number */
   /* trying to divide number by 3,5,7,... */
   /* to find a divisor until sqrt(n)      */
   for (i=3; i<=sqrt(n); i=i+2)
    if (!(n%i))

 /* if there is a divisor then NOT prime */
 return (!divisor);


/* This main program prints all prime numbers
between 1 and 1000 */

main (void)
 int x;

 for (x=1; x<=1000; ++x)
  if (prime3 (x))
   printf (" %d ", x);

 return (0);

Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
 1  2  3  5  7  11  13  17  19  23  29  31  37  41  43  47  53  59  
61  67  71  73  79  83  89  97  101  103  107  109  113  127  131  
137  139  149  151  157  163  167  173  179  181  191  193  197  
199  211  223  227  229  233  239  241  251  257  263  269  271  
277  281  283  293  307  311  313  317  331  337  347  349  353  
359  367  373  379  383  389  397  401  409  419  421  431  433  
439  443  449  457  461  463  467  479  487  491  499  503  509  
521  523  541  547  557  563  569  571  577  587  593  599  601  
607  613  617  619  631  641  643  647  653  659  661  673  677  
683  691  701  709  719  727  733  739  743  751  757  761  769  
773  787  797  809  811  821  823  827  829  839  853  857  859  
863  877  881  883  887  907  911  919  929  937  941  947  953  
967  971  977  983  991  997 

Prime numbers (by value)

A function that returns 1 if a number is prime and 0 otherwise.

/* Function finding prime numbers (no pointers) */
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> /* function returns true if n is even. */ /* it returns false if n is odd */ int even (int n) { return (n%2==0); } /* function returns true if n is prime */ int prime (int n) { int divisor, i; /* looking for a divisor. if found, it is not a prime number */ divisor = 0; /* eliminating even numbers except 2 */ if (even (n)) { if (n == 2) divisor = 0; else divisor = 2; } else { if (n == 1) divisor = 0; /* 1 is a prime number */ else /* trying to divide number by 3,5,7,... */ /* to find a divisor until we reach n-1 */ for (i = 3; i < n; i = i + 2) { if (n % i == 0) divisor = i; } } /* if there is a divisor (not zero) then NOT prime */ return (!divisor); } int main (void) { int x; printf ("Enter a positive integer number: "); scanf ("%d", &x); /* testing for prime and printing the report */ if (prime (x)) printf ("%d is a prime number.\n", x); else printf ("%d is not a prime number.\n", x); return (0); }
Legend: preprocessor directives | variable declarations | main program | helper functions | user-defined structures | comments
Enter a positive integer number: 59
59 is a prime number.